Day 2 21/7/18 Perth (Scarborough) to Geraldton

Awoke early, after last nights early night, so were at breakfast about 6:45am.
Quick stop at the supermarket and bottle shop and then off along “Indian Ocean Drive” up the west coast.

Foreshore in Scarborough

Interesting awnings.

Passed some enormous houses and huge amount of subdivision and construction going on, land for sale everywhere and building works continued for almost 50km up the coast.

I am loving peak hour traffic in WA!!

Very scrubby bushland along the coast. 

On the open road heading for Geraldton

Lovely sweeping roads...into the distance

Massive dunes just appear out of the scrub.

Watch out for Emus, Dale!
Turned off to see the Pinnacles National Park just before Cervantes.

Maritta is not getting much conversation from Dale or the rock!

Dale with his best stoic look!...Do I really need to do this??

Wildflowers are coming up every where.

After leaving Cervantes, continued up the coast towards Geraldton. Weather turned nasty with very heavy rain and high wind coming off the ocean, lots of standing water made the drive a bit tense a few times. Weather was that bad that a lot of the shops had closed early.
And the weather closes in on our trip up the coast.

Medium sized lobster??
Did 441Km today and the Outlander is using 9.7 litres/100km.


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