Awoke early, after last nights early night, so were at
breakfast about 6:45am.
Quick stop at the supermarket and bottle shop and then off
along “Indian Ocean Drive” up the west coast.
Foreshore in Scarborough |
Interesting awnings. |
Passed some enormous houses and huge amount of subdivision and
construction going on, land for sale everywhere and building works continued
for almost 50km up the coast.
I am loving peak hour traffic in WA!! |
Very scrubby bushland along the coast. |
On the open road heading for Geraldton |
Lovely sweeping roads...into the distance |
Massive dunes just appear out of the scrub. | | |
Watch out for Emus, Dale! |
Turned off to see the Pinnacles National Park just before
Maritta is not getting much conversation from | | Dale or the rock! |
Dale with his best stoic look!...Do I really need to do this?? |
Wildflowers are coming up every where. |
After leaving Cervantes, continued up the coast towards Geraldton.
Weather turned nasty with very heavy rain and high wind coming off the ocean,
lots of standing water made the drive a bit tense a few times. Weather was that
bad that a lot of the shops had closed early.
And the weather closes in on our trip up the coast. |
Medium sized lobster?? |
Did 441Km today and the Outlander is using 9.7 litres/100km.
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