Day 9 Saturday 28/7/18

Day 9 Saturday 28/7/18

After a leisurely breakfast whilst the "hordes" were watching the Dolphin feeding then a quick look around before boarding the “Aristicat 2” for a tour of the bay. Sun was shining although it was a cold breeze out on the water.  Maritta donned her puffer jacket and Dale should have taken his coat but survived the experience.

Sighted two dugongs where the first was apprently asleep.  When asleep they have to keep coming up for air and half of their brain is active as they must consciencously remember to breathe.  The other came up right under the boat and was not impressed swimming off in disgussed.  Unfortunately we didn’t have the camera ready...the look was priceless.  Sighted several dolphins, some playing around the craft, and 2 loggerhead turtle (missed that photo as well...).
Dolphin swims passed our room
Crowd at the dolphin experience, their biggest crowd was 720 apparently, glad we weren't there that day.
Most dolphins on one day was 26.  Only feed 5 max. 2 small fish each.

Our room from out in the bay

Dugong still in the bay, unusual for this time of the year as the water is usually to cold for them. 

Dugong again

Look carefully, Dugong just below the water

Yes, more of the same Dugong

Dolphin torpedo approaches

They got very close


Almost to close

Is it a shark?  No... they have all gone up to Exmouth for the warmer waters.

Approaching resort

These little guys roost on the Catamaran

A trip out to an island recently confused them but they eventually found their way back to the Cat.

Aristacat 2
Back to shore about 1pm, light lunch, then off to see the sites. Went back through Denham then on as far as the lookout about 30Km south. Slowly worked our way back stopping at the various lookouts along the way. First Whalebone Beach then the magnificent view from the boardwalk at Eagle point. 
The "thong" shack has become a local must see stop.
Eagle Point boardwalk
We went to the sea aquarium just south of Denham but were to late, maybe next time, so continued on back to Monkey Mia for a relaxing glass of red before dinner.

A mob of Emu's amble across the highway near Denham

Then headed back in the scrub where they belong

Catamaran in the sunset

Sunset over Monkey Mia

And again
The sunsets are pure magic and we will miss them once we get home!!


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