Day 12 1/8/2018, The End

A leisurey breakfast then off to the airport, had some delay getting there due to roadworks and the GPS avoiding all the petrol stations but after some backtracking all was in order, returned the Outlander and made our way to the await our plane. We traveled 3,843Km in WA and the Outlander used an average of 9.63litres of petrol per100Km.
Plane was full but Maritta managed to get our seats changed to the window. Plane left Pertth at 12:30 (WA time).

WA coast, somewhere near the SA border according to the flight map

Islands just off the coast as we head of out into theBbite

Arrived in Melbourne about 6:10 (Vic Time) to rain, got a bit wet finding the car in the long term car park.
Got home about 8:00pm which wasn't to bad considering the weather and road conditions.

Till next time, D&M.


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